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Using the Four Pillars of Destiny to Choose an English Name In Chinese culture, the Four Pillars of Destiny (or Ba Zi) is a system of astrology that uses a person’s birth year, month, day, and time to determine their personality traits, strengths, and weaknesses. In recent years, this system has gained popularity in Western countries as a way to choose an English name that matches one’s birth chart. If you’re considering choosing an English name using your Four Pillars of Destiny, there are a few things to keep in mind. First, your birth chart is made up of five elements: Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal, and Water. Each element is associated with specific traits, and it’s important to choose a name that aligns with your dominant element. For example, if you have a lot of Metal in your birth chart, you might want to consider a name that reflects your strength and determination, such as “Alexander” or “David.” If you have a lot of Water in your chart, you might prefer a name that reflects your sensitivity and adaptability, such as “Grace” or “Sophia.” Another important factor to consider when choosing an English name based on your Four Pillars of Destiny is the balance between your elements. If you have an excess of one element, you might want to choose a name that has a balancing effect. For example, if you have a「领略更多 宝宝取名资讯请关注 :奶糖起名网,wWW.inAItaNg.cOm〗】 lot of Wood in your chart, you might choose a name that has a calming effect, such as “Lucas” or “Ethan.” Ultimately, the most important thing is to choose an English name that you feel comfortable with and that reflects your unique personality and identity. Whether you choose a name based on your Four Pillars of Destiny or simply because you like the sound of it, it’s important to remember that your name is a reflection of who you are and how you want to be perceived in the world. So choose wisely, and embrace your new name with confidence!


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