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1. The Little Engine That Could The little engine chugged up the steep hill, her wheels turning fiercely as she pushed through the thick fog. The other engines had scoffed at her small size and weak engine, but she was determined to prove them wrong. As she reached the top of the hill, a sense of pride washed over her - she had done it! She had overcome the odds and proved that even the smallest engines could achieve great things. 2. The Boy Who Cried Wolf For weeks, the boy had played a cruel game- he would dash into town, shouting that there was a wolf attacking his sheep. The villagers would drop everything and come running, only to find that there was no wolf. But one day, when a real wolf did come prowling, the boy cried out for help and nobody came. The villagers had learned not to trust his words - and the boy had learned a harsh lesson about lying. 3. The Ugly Duckling He had always felt like the odd one out, always teased by the other animals for his gangly legs and odd beak. But one day, the little duckling looked down into the water and saw his own reflection - and he realized that he was no duck at all, but a beautiful swan. With newfound confidence, he spread his wings and soared into the sky, finally free to be his true self. 4. The Tortoise and the Hare The hare had always been the fastest runner in the forest, and he was certain that he would win the race against the slow and steady tortoise. But as the race wore on, the hare grew tired and took a nap - while the tortoise just kept plodding along. In the end, it was the tortoise who crossed the finish line first, leaving the once-arrogant hare to learn a humbling lesson about the value of persistence. 5. The Giving Tree From the time he was a little boy, he loved spending time with the tree in his backyard. She would give him her apples to munch on, her branches to swing from, and her trunk to lean against. As he grew older and began to need more and more from the tree, she gave selflessly - until the only thing left was her stump. But even then, the boy realized that the tree had given him everything she had, and he was grateful for all that she had done.


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