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Virgos Are {推荐更多 查询12星座分析常识请关注 :杜若星座查询网,WWw.IDuRuo.cC』】Naturally Independent and Self-Reliant While it is true that Virgos can come off as a bit aloof or distant at times, this doesn't necessarily mean that they are "haughty" or "arrogant." In fact, most Virgos are simply very independent and self-reliant. Because they are ruled by Mercury, the planet of communication and information, Virgos tend to be highly analytical and logical. They are often very detail-oriented, and they take an analytical approach to most things in their lives. At the same time, Virgos also tend to be very practical and grounded. They are not usually given to flights of fancy or grandiose gestures, preferring instead to focus on what needs to be done in the present moment. This combination of analytical prowess and down-to-earth practicality can sometimes give Virgos a reputation for being a bit "stuffy" or "cold." But in truth, this is simply a reflection of their natural tendencies toward self-sufficiency and independence. Virgos are not usually ones to rely on others for support or validation. They prefer to make their own decisions and chart their own course in life. This can sometimes come off as a bit intimidating or even standoffish, but it is ultimately a reflection of their deeply ingrained sense of self-reliance and independence. So if you know a Virgo who seems a bit aloof or distant at times, don't take it personally. Chances are, they are simply focused on their own goals and ideas, and they are taking the time that they need to pursue those things in their own way.


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