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Do We Need to Name According to Hierarchy? Naming a child is a big responsibility that parents take seriously. It is especially true in cultures where hierarchy and respect are given great importance. In such societies, it is common to name a child after an elder or a respected figure in the family. But is it necessary to follow this hierarchy while naming someone? Let's explore. In English-speaking countries, there is no requirement to follow any hierarchy while naming a child. Parents are free to choose any name they like, and it could be inspired by anything - from nature, famous personalities, fictional characters, or even a made-up name. However, in some communities, such as South Asian or African, parents choose to name their child according to certain rules. For example, in many Indian families, a child could be named after a grandparent or an elder relative, according to their astrological sign, or based on the meaning of the name. The idea behind naming according to hierarchy is to show respect to the elders and the family's traditions. It is believed that by naming a child after an elder, the child inherits the characteristics and virtues of that person. Moreover, it strengthens the bond between the child and the family and keeps the family traditions alive. But is it necessary to follow this rule while naming a child? The answer is no. It ultimately depends on personal preferences and cultural beliefs. Some parents choose to name their child after their favorite sports person, musician, or their favorite character from a book. In today's globalized world, parents often mix and match names from different cultures to create unique names for their children. Names can be a fusion of East and West, religions, or cultures, providing a broader outlook and diversity to their children. In conclusion, naming a child is a personal choice, and there is no hard and fast rule that one needs to follow. While following traditional naming conventions can be honorable, it is not necessary to do so. It is ultimately the parents' choice, and they should name their child based on their liking and preference, keeping in mind the family's cultural and religious beliefs, if any.


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