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简短的英语小故事 要有翻译,童话一点的

钉子一个商人在集市上生意红火,他卖完了所有的货,钱袋装得满满的。他想天黑前赶到家,便把钱箱捆在了马背上,骑着马儿出发了。中午时分,他到了一个镇上休息了一会。当他想继续赶路时,马童牵出马来对他说:“老爷,马后腿的蹄铁上需要加颗钉子。”“由它去吧,”商人回答说,“这块蹄铁肯定能撑到走完这六里路,我要急着赶路呢!”下午时候,他又一次叫人喂马,马童走进房间对他说:“老爷,马后腿上的一块蹄铁掉了,要不要我把它带到铁匠那去呢?”“由它去吧!”商人回答说,“这马一定能坚持走完这剩下的几里路,我时间紧着呢!”他骑着马儿继续往前走,但不久以后马就开始一步一瘸的了,再过会儿就开始踉踉跄跄,最后它终于跌倒在地,折断了腿。那生意人只好扔下他的马,解下钱箱扛在背上,步行回家。等赶回家时已是午夜时分,只听他嘀咕着:“都是那颗该死的钉子把我给害惨了。”欲速则不达。狐狸和鹅群狐狸来到一块草地,看见草地上有一群肥肥大大的鹅,笑道:“我来得正好,你们的队形很不错,我可以毫不费事地把你们一只一只地都吃掉。”鹅群吓坏了,它们哭叫着、蹦跳着、央求着饶命。可是狐狸却装着不听见,威胁说:“无法开恩!你们必须死。”过了一会儿,一只鹅壮着胆子来问:“既然我们不得不放弃我们年轻的生命,那么能不能高抬贵手,让我们做最后一次祈祷,让我们别在自己的罪孽中死去,然后我们会排成一行,让您每次都能选出最肥美的。”“好啊,”狐狸答,“这倒是合情合理、挺虔诚的请求。去祈祷吧,我等着,等你们祈祷完。”于是第一只开始了长长的祷告,它不停地叫着:“嘎!嘎!”好像是没完没了,第二只等不及了,也开始“嘎!嘎!”叫了起来。接着是第三只、第四只,不一会儿它们一起叫了起来。等它们祈祷完了,咱们再继续讲这个故事,可是事到如今,它们还在不歇气地祈祷着呢。 nail A businessman in the bazaar body-conscious areas, he sold out all the goods, money bag. He wanted to get there before dark Home, and threw the cashbox strapped on horseback, riding a horse started out. At noon, he came to a town had a short rest. When he wants to continue walking, certain lead a horse to say to him:"Master, on the hoof iron horse hind legs need to add nail.""Go by it," the tradesman replied,"this hoof iron can definitely Hold to go through the six mile, I want hurry rush!" In the afternoon, he again call a person feeding the horses, taken into the room to him and said,"master, horse on a piece of iron hoof hind legs off. Would you like me to bring it to the blacksmith that go to?"" go by it!"The tradesman replied," this horse will adhere to the finish This left a few miles, I time tight!" He rode the horse walked on, but soon horse began to step a lame in, again later began to Liang falter The discharge trunnion liner, finally it finally fell to the ground and broke his leg. The businessman had to cast off his horse, carry on the back, walk inevitable Home. When such home already was at midnight, only heard he muttered:"all is that star damn nail put me in a bind the shitter." Haste makes waste. The fox and the goose The fox came to a meadow, saw grass there is a group of fatty) big goose, say with smile:"I've come just in time, your team Shape is very good, I can put you a team with no trouble to eat all one."The goose frightened, they cried, jumping And begged to forgive. But the fox but pretended not to hear, threat say:"can't mercy! You must die." After a while Son, a goose ventured to ask:"since we have to give up our young life, then may I ask for quarter, Let us make a last pray, let us don't died in his iniquity, and then we'll line, let you every time Can choose the most fertile."Ok," the fox answer,"it is justified, very pious request. I go to pray, And waited prayer for you finish."Then the first began a long prayer, he keeps calling:" honk! Honk!."it seems thatIs endless, the second can't wait, also begin to"honk! Honk!" Called to get up. Then a third, fourth, not only While they call together up. Such as their prayers finished, let's continue to tell this story, but now, they will also be used in not XieQi pray kichen.

The Fox and the Crow

A Fox once saw a Crow fly off with a piece of cheese in its beak and settle on a branch of a tree.‘That’s for me, as I am a Fox,’ said Master Reynard, and he walked up to the foot of the tree.‘Good-day, Mistress Crow,’ he cried.‘How well you are looking to-day: how glossy your feathers; how bright your eye. I feel sure your voice must surpass that of other birds, just as your figure does; let me hear but one song from you that I may greet you as the Queen of Birds.’ The Crow lifted up her head and began to caw her best, but the moment she opened her mouth the piece of cheese fell to the ground, only to be snapped up by Master Fox.‘That will do,’ said he.‘That was all I wanted. In exchange for your cheese I will give you a piece of advice for the future.’Do not trust flatterers.




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